Sunday, 11 October 2015

Adding in a bit of variety...

Hi, Knowing that in the past I get very down when I cant match or better a previous run, I went out with the mind today that I couldn't run the whole 5k without stopping at the pace I did on Friday. For a couple of reasons, it was slightly later in the day and was warmer (I prefer to run in cold and rain) and it was only 2 days after I had run said 5K so I was quite stiff and achie still.

I also knew that if I went the same route no matter what I told myself I would still be disappointed so I decided to go a different route that I knew would be harder, that way I couldn't compare the runs. My Friday run, other than the down hill at the start was pretty much flat and straight path all the way. Today I added in more hills, a run through two fields of slippery muddy grass, and 3 gates I had to open and go through as well as 2 step over gates.

 I felt quite stiff to start but soon got into it, but had to walk a little at just over 2.5k, but only for about 20 meters. I was feeling pretty good, and when I got to 4K I knew that 3 of my splits had been under 8 mins although one was around 8.5 mins, I could still do the 5k in under 40 minutes.

So I was very pleased when I sprinted the last 10 meters and made 5.01K in 38:28.

 Now I just have to try fitting in runs during the week before or after work, and maybe a long one at the weekend. Feeling good about the running, have done some wedding planning also this weekend so now down to uni work, yes as well as a full time job, a fiance, a 15 year old daughter, a staffie dog, and running I am also studying for a degree at home with Open Uni!! I am starting to think I am just a little bit insane!

Happy Sunday all :)


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