Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Time out


Well it hasn't been the best week!  I haven't blogged because there was nothing worth blogging about.
I have been down right miserable.  My leg injury meant I couldn't run so I was depressed, so I ate rubbish to make me feel better, only that made me feel ill, which in turn made me more depressed, which in turn made me eat more and so the circle turned...

Last weekend I went to Oxford and watched my fiance run the Abingdon Marathon, it was a great marathon to spectate at as I was able to get right by the runners and support them.  He has been aiming for sub 4 for a long time, and had disappointingly run in 4:00:02 at Brighton earlier this year.  However he had trained far better than ever for this marathon and was hoping for 3:50.

I saw him at mile 10 and 19 and he was smashing it.  I then had to grab the car, bomb it up the A34, park a mile and half away from the finish line and run/hobble as fast as I could on a gammy leg to see him finish.  At one point someone congratulated me, they actually thought I was just finishing the marathon..(to be honest I felt like it!)  I made it to the finish line with just 2 minutes to spare as Rob sprinted round the race track to complete the marathon in 3:44, an amazing achievement.  I was so proud, normally I wont go near him until he has showered but I jumped on him and gave him the biggest hug.

We went for a drink and some food and then drove the 2 hour drive home.  I was quite tired and waking up the next morning only darkened my mood, I was so impressed with what rob had done and seeing all the runners it only heightened my lack of running.

So here we are to today.  Work was ok until yet again I realised that I had to stay yet again for an extra 2 hours.  It didn't help my mood that the personal stress  I was experiencing earlier in the year had reared its ugly head again, I had been called yet more names.  I got home at 6.30 pm very frustrated, but it pinged something in my head.

I went out for a run, my first in over a week, I went out with no intentions other than to take it slow and try to make 3k if possible.  Just a light jog to see how my leg was.

The first 2k was hard, and I just kept thinking try to get 3k without stopping.

I made 3k and thought to myself try and go 3.5 now you are here, then 4, then it was c'mon you can make it to 5k now, its the furthest you have run without walking before so I kept going.

It was a bit slower than my fastest 5k but I was ok with that, only when I got to 5k I felt good, really good and wanted to keep going so I thought see if you can make 5.5 your best yet, 5.5 came and so did 6k, by this point I felt really into my stride and that I could keep going.  More than that, I wanted to keep going, but in the back of my head the thought that my daughter hadn't had dinner, the fact I was staying close to home in case my leg went and the bordom of the same loop I stopped at 7k.

I had run without walking 7K!!!  2k further than my best non stop run. My time: 57:49
I finally feel like I am a runner, 
I enjoyed it, 
I feel amazing, 
I can do it, 
I can and will run the London Marathon 2015.

1 comment:

  1. Well Done Elle, Focus On Your Running ignore negative people you are and always will be strong, Those who matter really care about you, good friends and family, you Know who they are. You can and will smash 2016 Marathon. Rob will be there supporting you all the way as always.
