Tuesday 22 March 2016

Kick Up the Bum & a Pep Talk

Good evening readers,

So when I wrote to you last I told you I was doing nothing, and to be honest I didn't want to, couldn't be bothered.  I had got myself into a miserable state and just wanted to quit the whole thing. 

It got to Sunday and I had not done a single bit of training all week, I laid in bed refusing to move. Rob was up and telling me to move it, but I just couldn't get any enthusiasm.  I checked my Facebook and my Twitter, I posted a reply about how I had lost my mojo was still in bed and didn't want to move.  

I closed my eyes and sunk down further under my quilt as my phone bleeped, it was Dame Kelly Holmes telling me 
'oh come on get up and get it over with. If you were injured you would be seriously wishing you could run!'

Well I couldn't argue with that!  Its not every day you get a good kick up the backside from a Double Olympic Champion!

So off I went, I decided to change my strategy a bit, instead of doing sets of times I set my watch to sets of distances.  4 sets of 5.5km run with 0.5km recovery.  I had also mapped out a slightly different route to mix things up a bit further.

The first 2 sets went well, but my right ankle started to play up and by the time I finished the third set my legs were really throbbing as were my feet.  At 18k I called Rob and asked him to come meet me as even walking was so painful.  I stopped my watch at 19k and hobbled the last few meters home.

On Monday I had a call from Richard my Coach, he told me off for not calling him whilst I was feeling down and gave me a pep talk on after race blues.  He told me he was proud of what I had achieved and so should I, 19km was still a great distance especially on top of two back to back half marathon distances (minus 0.1 the first week).

I had been feeling really quite light headed for a few days and thought it might be due to dehydration so have been drinking a couple of pints of water with  High 5 Nutrition Berry Flavoured Zero Tabs.  

Monday evening I went for an easy 15 minute jog and had a good stretch.

Richard mentioned I was not eating enough good food to keep my energy up during training, so today I had porridge for breakfast and banana for snack, chicken salad wrap and jacket potato for lunch, gammon pasta and salad for dinner.  

I also went out to do my intervals this evening, they still not perfect but wasn't too bad considering I swallowed a bug mid run and choked all over some poor woman walking in the opposite direction.

Other than a very tight right calf, I am feeling very much better.  

Much Love
FBB xx


  1. You're doing so well Elle keep it up! 😀 It's so tough to get going again when you've lost your mojo!

    1. Hi ThisMum,

      Thank you very much for your kind words. It really is, I didn't even think there would be such thing as post race blues! Must watch out for that in the future, I have heard lots of stories since writing this blog about people who have given up running for months because of it. I am very lucky to have got back to it after a week.

  2. I know so well how hard it is to keep running when you aren't feeling it. ( hence a years break) but you have come so far so come on us less than perfect runners are relying on you to show us it can be done , because of course more pressure is exactly what you need right now .
    but seriously don't give up , you know you would regret it big time.

    1. Hi Ladybug,

      Thank you for your support, it is really appreciated. Just abut to write my next blog post... so you can see what happened next!!
