Thursday 10 March 2016

Confusing My Distances

Hello everyone.

Sorry I missed blogging last week.  I'm not going to lie, I just didn't want to write!  I had a really busy week at work, where lots of things got on top of me.  I was exhausted by the time I got home every day and couldn't be bothered to train (Sorry Richard), I ate lots of rubbish, and drank lots of wine....

But its life, and that is how things go.  I am not going to beat myself up over it, and if it happens to you then neither should you!

What I did manage last week was 13 miles in my LSR on Sunday.  Now I am going to admit something here that is very embarrassing... in fact so embarrassing that I have to now appologise to everyone who has frustrated me when they ask 'and how far is that marathon?'

I know that half a marathon is 13.1 miles and that a full marathon is 26.2 miles, BUT I thought that it was 21km and 42km respectively.... This is how it played out.....

So I decided that I would run 3 sets of 50 minutes with 5 minute recovery, listening to the UnMumsyMum audio book.  I find it better to listen to than music as it helps keep my steady pace, and my mind off of what I am actually doing.

The first set went well, as did the second set.  On the third set I managed 20 minutes, and then my legs decided they had just about had enough and did not want to carry this fatty boom boom any more.  I decided that after the rubbish week I had it wasn't surprising and just decided to walk the rest of the session running if and when I could.

When I was 2km from home I called my fiance and asked him to come and meet me, I was struggling and wanted something to help me finish my first half marathon distance.

He met me at just under 0.5k to go and gave me the boost I needed to make a run for it, I was at 3 hours and wanted to complete it under 3:01:00.  I said to him come on, help me sprint for it, I am almost at 21k and want to complete my half marathon distance, I was counting down the meters and screamed yes 21K at the top of my voice as I stopped my watch and then walked the 100 meters or so home.

I got in the bath so pleased that I had covered the distance even if I had to walk the best part of the last 20 minutes or so.

So I was quite surprised when my Strava didn't ping a half marathon medal at me.  I noted my disappointment to my extremely supportive fiance who casually told me.... 'well thats because you were 100 meters short'

I almost choked on my High 5 recovery shake!  I mean, I felt an idiot that I was sure it was 21km dead but he knew what I was doing and could have told me this snippet of information whilst I was still running so I could have completed the extra 100 meters!

So that was that.

This week, my legs have been quite sore which has me worried as I am running Silverstone Half Marathon this Sunday.  I didn't do very well with my intervals on Tuesday, but I did get up early and did a 30 minute easy run this morning.

So that is about it,  I will write again after (hopefully) completing my first ever half marathon on Sunday, with a time of 3:01:00 to beat (kind of).

FBB xx

PS. whilst just getting the Strava link I was reminded that I got a PR for 10 miles, 10K and 15k so I guess it couldn't have been all that bad.


  1. I have just started to read your blog after seeing you in the magazine . I must admit I am so relieved that there seams to be someone else like me who struggles with weight , illness and injury . I have been running again since January after about a year off eating crap and feeling sorry for myself. I am currently training for a 10k which seams insignificant compared to what you are doing .
    You keep going girl i need the inspiration

  2. Hi Ladybugw,

    Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I am so happy, because the reason I started my blog was for that very reason, letting people who are like me know that it is ok to walk/run, it is ok to look like a human beetroot whilst sweating profusely all over the gym equipment!

    Please do not beat yourself up about taking the year off, it happened for a reason, and maybe that reason was to make you realise that you wanted to be different and you wanted to run. However if you are like me then it is just because you love to snuggle on the sofa eating chocolate, family size bags of crisps and maybe opening that second bottle of wine isn't that bad.....

    Seriously though, training for a 10k is amazing, and is totally not insignificant, what you have to remember is that whilst you are out running someone else is sitting on their sofa thinking about it! Trust me when I say that once you have felt the euphoria of completing that 10k you will carry on, whether it be to beat your time or beat the distance you will carry on, running is addictive!

    Good luck, and let me know how your training is going.

    Much Love,
    FBB x
