Saturday 19 March 2016

Sports Massage Massacre

Good Morning all,

This is just a little check in to let you know I am still alive.

Since writing my last post, I haven't done anything, I have been so exhausted all week and aching all over.  I also was feeling a bit feverish with sore throat so decided just to rest up all week.  Not the ideal situation with only (takes a quick look at home page) 35 days (wishes I hadn't) to go, however getting further ill and not being able to train  for the rest of these 35 days wouldn't do me any good either.

I did have a Sports Massage on Thursday evening, my very first.  I have had 'massages' before, you know the ones where they play swishing water music and you fall asleep.  Nothing prepared me for the 'more painful than child birth' elbows of Sharon Morris!!

Now before I rip into her, I do want to say that Sharon is the loveliest lady, this was the first time we had met, and she put me at ease straight away.  She knew it was my first time and promised to take it easy.  She runs herself, used to run for Great Britain, and once did a marathon in 2 hours 40!  Very inspirational, genuinely kind and really funny!

She explained to me what all of my muscles were called and how she would massage them and how each one affected another.  I made the mistake of telling her it was absolutely fine and I couldn't feel a thing..... So she went in harder.  My ITBs were tight and she spent a fair bit of time on them, she did this thing where I had to breathe in and then out whilst she really rubbed it, that really hurt!

Then I was to turn over, my calves were a little tight, but nothing compared to my glutes.  Again I had to breathe in and then out and relax them whilst she stuck her elbow in.  I thought I was going to die, or fart, either way it wouldn't be nice.

I had also asked her if she would do my back as I get really bad back ache and after Silverstone it had been really bad.  I told her that I was sure there was a knot in my right shoulder just under the blade, but when she started massaging she said that it was my left that was actually very tight which was probably why my right hurt so much as it was compensating.  The back massage was lovely and after I felt looser than I had done in a long time.

Even though it all hurt, I will continue to have them often as I know they will help and a couple of minutes of pain is far better than hours of throbbing tight muscles or injury's

She gave me some fantastic advice about never sticking to one side of a road/track because of the camber, something my Coach had also discussed with me.  It was then I realised that I had stuck to the right side of Silverstone the whole way round, and it was my right side that went.  I didn't think it cambered as I was thinking of it more like the roads near where I live that have a definate slope, and that was what I had been looking for.

So that is pretty much it, I will hopefully go out for a long run tomorrow, but today I am feeling extremely tired and very drained.  So going to take it easy.

Much love to you all
FBB xx

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