Sunday 3 January 2016

End of week 4

Hi Everyone!

So today sees the end of week 4, and unfortunately it didn't end well.  It was long run day, but having been to a party last night with unlimited free alcohol, I woke up feeling very ill... SHAME ON YOU READERS!  NO I didn't drink, I drove due to long run today and due to training for a marathon.

But it did me no good :(

I woke up shattered, aching all over, bunged up, sore throat etc.  Didn't move from bed until gone 1.  But wanted to at least try, weather was horrendous outside so decided to go gym and hit the treadmill.  I was meant to do 3 sets of 30m run 5m walk.  I started.... 5m walk, 30m run, 5 min walk, but then only managed 5 more minutes run and 5 minutes walk.  5.5k in total.  I was literally dripping, temperature sky high.  When I got off the treadmill I felt so light headed I think I floated down the stairs to my car.

I am so bummed as so wanted to hit the 13k mark today, but as Rob tells me, 5 weeks ago I wouldn't have even got out of bed had I have felt so rough and at least I had done 5.5k.  I know what he said is true but I still feel upset about it.

So in true Fatty Boom Boom stylie, I am treating myself to a few glasses of port, 'for medicinal purposes' as My late Grandma Tyler would say!  God rest her soul, she was the most inspiring person I have ever known!

Talking of inspiring, I have had so many messages of support, I have been overwhelmed!  Just to mention a couple who tell me I have inspired them to go that little bit further in 2016, This Mum Runs and 26 little miles, I wish both ladies the best of luck, and I will be following their training as I go along, and sharing encouragement.

So tomorrow I am back to work after almost 2 glorious weeks off, but am excited to be seeing everyone again on Friday when the Big Marathon Challenge teams meet again.

Keep inspired people, and keep inspiring others!  And one last thing, some words I saw on Twitter this week which are so true:
'The last thing you need when running a 
marathon is negatives around you!'
FBB xx


  1. Good woman for getting a run in when you felt so rough! Sometimes we do have to be flexible with our training as pushing yourself when you are I'll won't do you any favours at all! X

    1. Thanks ThisMum, I spoke to my coach Richard, and he said the same, so to cheer myself up I have booked myself into a 10 mile race in February!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Do you go to Panshanger Park Run? I live not far from you and keep meaning to go but am a slow large bird!

    1. Hi AbiHerts, Yes I do go to Panshanger, however I need to get some trail shoes as it is very slippery mud and on Christmas day I could barely stand in my running trainers! I may try St Albans or Harlow as they are apparently flatish paths.

    2. Is Barclay the same? Which 10 miler have you signed up for?

    3. Rob has done Barclay and said it is quite muddy too, I am doing the Lee Valley Velopark -
