Friday 5 February 2016

Battling With Myself

Woahh its been a while! (well 9 days but feels longer)

So I thought I had best pop in for a quick cuppa and little chinwag with you lovely readers.  First can I say a massive thank you to everyone who leaves comments on here or on my twitter feed @FBB2VLM.  I love hearing from you, but most importantly it really picks me up to know that I am inspiring people to get out and run especially during my down moments.

So a quick update to what has been going on:

Thursday 28th Jan - I went to see Ellie Williams at Pure Sports Medicine. I have been experiencing slight tightening pain in the VMO muscle just above my right knee, and in the knee itself as well as the shin area.  After Ellie had examined me and put me through a few exercises she told me her diagnosis.


OK, its not really that bad, when you run your glutes should be doing a lot of the work, but as mine are so weak my quads are doing their job and trying to protect my knees, also I have a restriction in my right ankle.  Because of these issues the top of my leg is turning in and the bottom of the leg is turning out and causing my patella to move from its socket.

So the fact of the matter is I really need to work on these muscles so that they start to take on the strain.  If I don't I could end causing a really bad injury that could see my running go poof!

Ellie gave me some wonderful exercises to work on, you can view them here:

That night the cold and cough that has been bothering me for almost a month hit hard.  I was achy, congested, sore throat, dehydrated, and the muscle in my neck had decided to freeze so I couldn't move my head!

So since then I have not done anything, reason being I had decided that taking it easy wasn't working so I decided to do nothing but rest, take medication and drink lots.

So other than that there is not a great deal to tell.  I have had a change in position at work and am now Marketing & Communications Coordinator which is really exciting.

Last night I tried to go for a run at my gym, I did 3 sets of 5 minutes at 8km/h but I tired far to quickly.  It is very warm in the gym and with my congestion it was really hard to breathe so I had to stop.

I have a 10 mile race booked in for tomorrow at the Lea Valley Velo Park, organised by so I am really down that it is looking like I wont be able to make it.  I still haven't made a firm decision and am going to see how I feel when I wake up but its not looking good. 

To Finish... and I always like to finish with a positive... so here it is:


And breathe... I had this lovely big box arrive at work at the beginning of this week with lots of ASICS goodies!  Over the coming weeks as soon as I am well I will review each item.  I did use the trainers and tights on my run last night, but will wait to review until I am well and out running on road.  But what I will say is that they felt like I was running on a trampoline, so bouncy.

I want to say a massive thank you to ASICS UK for providing these amazing items!

For now my runner reader buddies, keep up the good work!
FBB xx

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