Friday 18 December 2015

Just Not Happening

Hi peeps,

So thought I'd check in, but to be fair there is not much to tell on the training front.  It has been a really tough week and just have not managed to fit my training in.

So Monday was rest day, which was welcomed after the Sunday 10K.  My daughter had been to the urgent care center at the hospital on Saturday as she has been suffering with bad pain in her right side.  She was given antibiotics and told to go to GP if no better by Monday.  So Monday night saw us sitting at doctors for 2 hours to be given more antibiotics.

Tuesday was a no go too, more my lazy fault really, I had to work late, but had popped home for a couple of hours during the day, and had intending on going gym, however as the magazine had gone public with the competition I was talking to family.  Womens Running

Wednesday I went to the gym and used the treadmill to do my Run I should have done Tuesday.  It was O.K., but I don't like running on the treadmill, I find it boring which in turn makes me feel more tired quicker.  I did complete my session though of 10m Brisk Walk to start and finish and 20m run.

Then comes last night, my bands had arrive from Richard my coach and I was looking forward to giving them a try, however I spent the night in AnE with my daughter from 6pm until 1am.  I was exhausted and collapsed into bed the minute I got home.

So today, I want to go to the gym or for a run, but I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open to type this blog.

So really not a good week.  Tomorrow is booked down to be a rest day but think I will do a bit of a run or cross train before I do my long run on Sunday, all being that nothing else happens.

I guess that sometimes you just get weeks where life takes over and there is nothing you can do.  I am feeling quite down today, partly through exhaustion and I guess partly because I have not been out to train.

So for now, keep healthy, and keep running.

FBB xx


  1. You'll get weeks like this Elle unfortunately. Don't let them get you down and stick with the plan. They'll be brighter times ahead I'm sure.

  2. Sorry that last comment was from Richard as showing an old name on my account by accident!

  3. HA HA I thought I had a secret admirer then LOL.
